18 July 2013


After a long break, looks like I'm getting ready to go back again....
I have just enrolled in 2 Units of Painting to start in SP3!!!

Painting: Strategies and Materials


This unit is designed to develop your capacity for research-based enquiry into skills, techniques, methods and processes of painting.
You will develop research methods through relevant examples of historical and contemporary art practices in painting.

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this unit students will be able to:
  1. identify methods and processes appropriate to a chosen visual art specialism
  2. apply skills and  techniques central to a chosen visual art specialism
  3. effectively communicate the research process to a group of peers using art specific technical terms
  4. originate and critically analyse responses to set projects.  

Painting: Concept and Process

  •  VSW22


This unit is designed to develop your capacity for research-based enquiry into skills, techniques, methods and processes of visual art that takes into account international and cultural contexts.
You will be introduced to a wide range of skills and concepts relevant to painting. You will gain a foundation of knowledge through consideration of examples of historical and contemporary practices in painting. 

Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this unit students will be able to:
  1. innovatively apply knowledge of skills, techniques and methods to the process of studio practice within a specified conceptual framework
  2. critically evaluate studio practice and production techniques in order to generate experimental processes
  3. originate and critically analyse responses to set projects
  4. propose, test and evaluate new ideas or ways of working.

Study Resources

These units are delivered using the following methods and materials:

Instructional Methods

  • Audio/Video conferencing
  • Discussion Forum/Discussion Board
  • Online assignment submission
  • Standard Media
  • Web links

Online materials

  • Audio/Video - Streaming
  • Printable format materials
  • Resources and Links